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I enjoyed this demo, the game felt so cozy! The characters were so diverse and human, with their own personalities, tastes, worries, problems, etc. and it was cool that everybody had their individual soundtrack.

I liked every client but Rachel was definitely my favorite since I relate to her the most. The highlight for me was the banter between MC and Atlas every now and then (I love him!). I'm curious to find out more about the MC too! 

Thank you very much, so glad you enjoyed it!! I'm super pleased you enjoyed the MC - you're the first one to say so <3

This game is so cute! I really like the depth that the characters have. 

(3 edits)

This is a super cute game! I love the wholesome vibes and how the characters feel like real people. My faves are Zaid and Cliff so far but Dean is also really sweet. I'd love to be able to play more! It would also be cool to be able to spend more time with Atlas, all the characters seem so fun I just want to learn more about them!

Options to hang with Atlas and even to romance him would definitely make it into a full version of the game! I'm so, so glad you enjoyed the cast and that you'd want to play more. That's such high praise <3

(2 edits)

This game is so so cute! I love the concept, and I adore Atlas. All of the different characters are so warm and human, even when sharper or more hotheaded. Working through the real issues is so nice, and I love that you can make any of the three options work, though some seem better than others. I have had a few glitches, like people saying lines that don't match their words (usually Rachel), Zaid clipping the desk when he fades out, and once it gave me the credits suddenly, I was playing Dean's Stella route with none of the keys and an MC who set him with Lila? So, a little buggy, but largely very very good, and I really like the art. Art can sometimes make or break a game for me, and i love this art a lot.

(2 edits)

Ahhh, thank you so much for reporting those bugs! I will look into them right away :)

(6 edits) (+1)(-1)

Oh this one was SUPER fun. I really enjoyed the concept and getting to know all of the clients! They're all varied and unique with their own quirks and issues. I liked the fact that I could find something that I liked and disliked about all of them, which really made them feel well-rounded and, well, human! There's also just so much variety in the dialogue and I think the voice actors were a great choice and killed it with their roles from what I've seen.

My personal favorite client so far is Zaid because while he is definitely rough around the edges and mildly prone to running over my consultant on the way to his seat, I personally see Zaid as just a big clumsy puppy that so desperately wants to be loved (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) And I love that for him. I want this guy to find that and be happy like nothing else. I am probably a piddling fraction of his overall mass, but I want to pick him up like he's a small dog and hug him and tell him it's gonna be alright and that sure yeah I think he could stand to slow down a tad but I know he's doing his best and just auuugh (,,> ω<,,)

(That said, Atlas definitely has my heart a little bit. I love the banter between him and the MC aaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3)

Additionally, I love that MDA doesn't shy away from heavier topics and attempts to handle them with care and advocates for open communication. I'll try to keep it spoiler-free, but I definitely had a few moments of, "YES! PLEASE TALK ABOUT IT! LIKE HUMAN BEINGS DO!" and "AND IF THEY'RE MEAN OR JUDGMENTAL TO YOU ABOUT IT, I WILL PERSONALLY BEHEAD THEM okay well that's an exaggeration but I will certainly have a professional but stern word with them and they will not come out unscathed (╬ ಠωಠ)و"

There is one little thing that bothered me a bit, and please correct me if I'm wrong about this! (⁎˃ᆺ˂) I often found myself needing to load previous saves to review information on clients and prospective dates, and started wishing there was a way to access and review client/date profiles or information. Again, if there is a way to do that and I am just looking in the wrong places, please disregard this bit! I understand that what is currently out is a demo and submissions for game jams, so I also understand that certain features may not be implemented yet; it was just something I found myself doing often while considering matches. For example, I was once considering a client's specification regarding ages, but then I couldn't remember how old the client was and had to look around for that information. So I thought it'd be worth bringing it up (x ω x;; )

Anyways! I'm very excited for what y'all have in store for the future and will keep tabs on this project (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) You've all worked very hard and should be proud of what you've achieved!

Ahhh, thank you for such a long and lovely comment!! I'm so glad you enjoyed Zaid and Atlas and that the characters felt human. This was super important to me to convey and it's a relief to know that it's coming across well.

It's tricky at times to write good dating advice, but good communication never seems to fail. :)

You are correct the demo is lacking this feature - and that the game really needs it!! I would love to add in a little notebook at part of the GUI that you can open and review whenever you want that updates to include notes on each meeting you have with your clients as well as some other handy reminders. Definitely in a full version, but hopefully in an update.

You're seriously the best for checking the game out and leaving your review. Thanks for all the kind words <3

I didn't think about when playing but a notebook would be super helpful! 


You and me both for real <3

this is absolutely great!! i love the concept and all of the clients, they all have very realistic concerns and personalities, the writing is extremely well done! amazing game, i'm def looking forward to any and all updates to this!<3


I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! I know many of us would be thrilled to work more on the game and so far the attention MDA has been getting has been surprising me (in a great way!) Fingers crossed things keep going well

I'm absolutely in love with this game I can't wait for more. All of the characters are beautiful and the writing is so well done I found myself completely immersed. Amazing job!

Thank you thank you thank you!! It's blowing my mind that people are playing and enjoying the game. Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out and leave your comment